Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm Country!

My sister and I went exploring in our woods this afternoon, but were drawn to this particular spot with it's  wonderful scenic view.  The weather all day was overcast with a cool temp and the clouds were threatening rain. However, when we reached this spot, the north/east sky (pictured here) cleared into a beautiful blue sky. There would have been a hundred more pictures, had not our camera's battery been dying. We barely were able to take this photo. Alas, the other images we saw will stay etched in our minds....
                This was so beautiful! Looks like something straight out of Sense & Sensibility. It actually reminds me of Box Hill from Jane Austen's "emma." I want to host a picnic in the far field here. This is on top of a bluff and it drops off at the end by the big tree.

The pasture on top of the hill was flooded with purple and yellow flowers!

The grove of ash trees
The date shown on this picture is wrong. I took this today, not in 2005. The camera was dying so quickly that if we really wanted to get a picture we had to snap it quick and thus, didn't take the time to set the dates.

The path....

Some of the yellow flowers up top.

I really don't understand how some people could prefer concrete and crowded streets, to this - beautiful, scenic country. Ahhh, oh how I love the country!


  1. Wow, those pictures are beautiful! :) I don't understand how some people prefer the city over the country either. I love the country!

  2. I wish I lived in the country! You're pictures are fantastic! It looks so beautiful there.

  3. Thanks Denise and Maggie! Yes, it is very beautiful. I cannot wait till the leaves start changing -- I'll have lots of photos then!
