Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The Nineteenth Century was one of profound influence upon America's culture, with many challenges that manifested themselves into the U.S's heritage.  However, leading up to this time, Christian's believed the Bible to define and cover every aspect of our lives. They knew true Christian's did not segregate Church life from work life, the spiritual life from reality, and so forth. Christians, dating back to our Founding Fathers, knew that morality and virtue affects everything we do - legislated morality, national day of prayer, opening the Supreme Court with prayer, the Declaration of Independence acknowledging a "Creator," who designed persons to live in freedom, etc... are a few examples of how Christianity/morality have shaped our Nation and political system.

The Church, through the Holy Scriptures, defined the role of civil government, taught about man's sinful nature and therefore the special requirements needed in governments and also citizenry responsibilities. The Church also followed the example of Christ by caring for the poor and needy and holding leaders and elected officials to a higher moral standard.

Charles Darwin and Carl Marx soon began to challenge the Church's theology as well as the Bible's inerrancy through their secular humanist thinking in regard to Origins, Government, Education and Economics. The Church believed their claims of scientific reasoning over the Bible's claims of validity.

Because the Church was unprepared for the scientific claims presented by Darwin and Marx, many bought into the lies and left the Church and Christianity. The Church was completely void of answers to refute, and so began to draw into themselves - like a clique, being comfortable only in their group and excluding everyone outside. It was because of this view that the "Pietism" movement came into existence.

As a consequence of Pietism, the Church was no longer active in government and viewed everything outside the Church to be worldly - they did not bother themselves with society's issues. The empty spaces left, gave government ample room to step in where the Church wasn't. This gave way to the Progressive Era.

This era was furthered by Progressive Presidents who favored governmental control, such as Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover. Labor unions were created, the Federal Reserve Bank came into existence, the 16th Amendment passed giving Congress power to tax, government spending increased, income tax was doubled, etc... During the depression of the 1930's, the Church accepted handouts from the government. Whereas before, government was viewed as an easily corruptible power that needed to be checked, it now became a savior for those in need by doing the Church's job of helping those in need - or the common word used today, "welfare."

There are grave consequences of pietism. I am continually frustrated with the majority of America's belief - that it's government's job to take care of society, and issue welfare for them. I don't like handouts, but many Americans are apathetic and more than willing to accept something unearned and at times, unnecessary. It's one things to receive help from a Christian brother, but another to be beholden to the government (which is their purpose). Where does government get their money anyway, since they can't create wealth? They get it from the tax payers and re-distribute it. Soon, those who work will have no incentive, because 1. they are barely able to keep their paycheck due to excessive taxation and 2. those who aren't working are receiving more benefits than the workers themselves - the workers are paying so those who don't work can sit contentedly at home and eat groceries bought on food stamps. After incentive is lost and men refuse to work, the government doesn't have anyone to tax to pay for all it's welfare patients. What they all need is a good dose of common sense. Our Country, currently caught in this vicious cycle, will eventually crash because government struck their dirty fingers into a thriving nation built on Christian values and a free market economy.

America's morals have been flushed down the drain; we've lost our Christian heritage; the Church is being controlled by the government; and Church and all Christian symbols are being segregated from society, thus losing our chance to be Christ's witnesses in a world of darkness.

I'm praying that God will use me, and other freedom-loving Christians, as His instrument - to be the one who will stand up in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30) - in helping to wake the Church and Christians up to the harsh reality that our religious freedoms are being stripped away from us and that we must do something.

I know some people don't see the correlation between Christianity and politics, but it's huge! If we choose to stay out of the political process and let our freedoms and precious liberty slip away, our religious liberty goes with it. Ever since the pietism movement, Christian's haven't had answers to the tough questions facing society. We are apathetic and okay with it. A friend of mine, many years ago, personally went around to Churches in America to warn them of the dangerous path America is being driven down. They responded by stating that the political realm is dirty and they didn't want to get involved. Excuse me!? See anything wrong with this? The Church should be reaching out and influencing every aspect of society.

Because of the Church's withdrawal during the 19th Century, the voids left were filled. Filled by Atheists, Humanists and Marxists. And we wonder why America is sinking under the weight of sin and moral decay?

Our precious Country is being driven down the path it's on. There are weapons of cultural destruction that are and have been silently disintegrating our Christian foundation. These include: Radical feminism, Evolution, Moral Relativism, "New Morality" (an every day television sitcom basically defines this), The Environmental Agenda, Sociology, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Postmodernism, Socialism and Illegal Immigration.

Why aren't Christians standing up against this wicked and perverse generation with the TRUTH and giving our very lives to preserve liberty? Perhaps it's a lack of passion, zeal, vision or understanding. Perhaps fear is holding us back from boldly proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives and confronting the sin and apathy we see in our societies today. However, I have resolved to speak boldly of my God; to be against what He's against and for what He's for. I want to be a threat to those working to bring Christianity and America down.

It's time. Time for America, the Church, Christians and Citizens to WAKE UP. As Christians, people look at us to see how we respond to controversial events and topics and are often guided by our example. With all that is happening in America today, our Christian response is crucial!

Christian's should not be driven into action through fear, but by the knowledge that God can use each of us, and He is far greater than he who is in the world. Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

However, in going about our Christian response, we need to be humble and completely surrendered to God, praying for His will to be done, not our own. We need to be broken and weak - "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" - II Corinthians 12:9.

We should know our Christian heritage, where we've come from and where we are going, so that we may praise God for His merciful providence in the founding of this Nation. We are commanded to remember what the Lord has done. However, when we forget, there are consequences. We need to be leaders with a dedication to our God stronger than any other tie. "God send me anywhere, only go with me.Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours." ~ David Livingston

We are responsible for the state of our society today. The Christians are not being the light on a hill and the salt of the earth. We are in grave need of revival in America today. In order for this to happen, we need to spend much time and meditation in God's Word, in prayer to Him and repenting for the sins of our Nation, as well as our own. My heart is broken as I think about all that America has defiled itself with. But God is looking for a man to stand up in the gap - someone emptied of self that He can mightily use. There is still a remnant of hope in looking at where the U.S. has come from and whence our heritage has come. We need to kindle that dim fire until it burns bright for HIM.

So what are you going to do? If not YOU, then WHO?

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Kevin Swanson says that the key in bringing reformation to this culture is for American fathers to be the spiritual leaders of the home. The reformed home will impact an entire nation, because the family is the building block of society. Start there.
