Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Environmental Agenda In America

This is a paper I had to write for class last week and thought I would share with you all. This environmental agenda is one of the many weapons of cultural destruction......................

The environmental agenda, that is becoming increasingly popular in America, is one of false propaganda and deceit. Those behind the movement have made the supposed “environmental issues” seem urgent. The American people are being pushed into an agenda of an  elitist group. If they don’t agree, they’ll be labeled as a pollutant and a roadblock.  Most people trust that the brilliant minds in government certainly know what they’re talking about, so they go along without question - a very dangerous decision. The government is finding their methods to be very effective.

    Radical environmentalists have four stated goals: “1. Save the planet, 2. Achieve bio-diversity, 3. Eliminate third-world poverty, and 4. Guarantee ‘a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature’ for all human beings.” These four reasons stated above, are what the  biased media is telling the American public. Behind each of these are secret motives. What the government is really trying to achieve is 1. Complete preservationism, 2. Doing away with property rights, 3. Abolishing industrialized society, and 4. Establishing a ONE-WORLD Government under the dictates of the UN.

    Starting with their first goal to save the planet, we see that by using the term “total preservation,” they’re saying that we need to give nature back what’s rightly hers. The average American hunter, industrialist and entrepreneur are being viewed as exploiters. Edward O. Wilson said that we should...“Initiate restoration projects to increase the share of Earth allotted to nature... let me suggest 50 percent. Half the world for humanity, half for the rest of life...” (emphasis added). The plan in this statement would require reducing humanity, which is also known as genocide.

    The environmentalists second goal, to “Achieve Bio-diversity,” could be re-defined as “achieving socialism.” In order for the government to assure that bio-diversity is being attained, they must own all property. In socialism, government takes from the citizen any so called “burden” of ownership. One of the major ones being private property. The reason for their needing citizen’s property is so they (govt.) may determine what’s best for earth and “mother nature.” This is another socialistic principle - that the average Joe is not capable of doing what’s best for nature. The governments goal here is to take our rights, which are guaranteed in the Constitution, and through this, attain a socialistic society and ultimately full communism.
However, if this comes to pass, they will have done more harm than good to the earth.

    The third stated goal is to “Eliminate Third-World Poverty” - the underlying goal being to do away with industrialized society. The argument presented is that industrialized societies are the major cause of poverty in other countries. If you favor industry, you favor poverty. However, there is a missing link here, which keeps it from flowing logically. The reasoning behind the ideas stated are that, 1) there are not unlimited resources in the world, and 2) the upper class are the only ones who benefit from industrialism. This is not true. The economy was booming during

America’s Industrial Revolution. New inventions were being bought by foreign countries, which greatly improved their societies.

    So, if industrialization hinders our planets capabilities, why are the intelligent business men and women and all other highly educated upper class (who are the ones behind this movement), still driving cars, buying the latest phone and computer technologies, and flying in their expensive jets that use who know how much gasoline which is wasting away our environment and killing animals? The answer: because these four reasons listed are not their true reasons. They want power and control - Socialism. They themselves desire life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but they will deny it to any other.

    The fourth and final goal is to, “Guarantee a ‘Healthy and Productive Life in Harmony with Nature’ for All Humans.”.... aka, One World Government. In order for government to regulate and preserve all of nature, they must control all of the world. This can be easily done through establishing a one world government. The earth and nature are becoming more precious and sacred than life. Nature’s needs will be placed above the individual.

    I recently watched a cartoon on a PBS station with my young niece. The girl was challenged by her friend to go a whole day without talking, but when all the citizens of their village fall asleep under a spell, not wanting to break her promise, she goes into the woods to seek help. She sat down and listened/meditated on nature (in a trance). She was able to hear the trees talking, the sound a rock makes, etc... and in her mind she asked for their help.  Some forest butterflies answered and went to help her friends. She then told her friend about how you can hear nature if you just listen, etc.. Well, I then had a talk with my niece! The New Age religion
and a sense of preservationism were rampant in that short, but loaded show. These are the kind of shows that are on national television and kids 1- 10 yrs old are watching. Once they get into highschool, they are also bombarded with Humanism, New Age, Socialism, Preservationism, and more....
    The Georgia Guidestones, which are located on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia, consists of four large granite stones written in eight different languages. No one knows much about it’s origin, however, they deal with four major issues: “(1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man’s relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality.” These guidestones appear to be written by the same radical environmentalist with the same agenda.

There have been many scare tactics about so called “global warming.” It is interesting to note that only 17% of atmospheric scientist believe that global warming may be happening. That means that 83% believe it to be a bunch of hype and yet, they seem to be silenced to push their “green agenda.”

    This environmental agenda is one of the ways that a select group of people are using to bring about socialism.

- Class Handout, “Weapons of Cultural Destruction.”
- - Georgia Guidestones.
- Channel 9 PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) Television
- Exploring Creation with Physical Science (Apologia Science) by Dr. Jay L. Wile (pg. 38-41)


Any Comments or Questions?    


  1. Very interesting! I just thought I would say, you are great at writing!

  2. Thank you, Denise! Sorry everyone for the messed up formatting and small font. Blogger was being fickle.
