Friday, August 13, 2010

Under The Stars...

After watching half of Sense & Sensibility, the four of us grabbed our blankets and headed out the door to the side yard. After spreading our blankets and laying down at 12:45 am, we saw God's sparkling, magnificent creation - a beautiful night sky filled to the brim with shining stars. We lay there for an hour and a half watching the meteors stream across the night sky. We never knew where to watch, they were coming every which way from the north, south, east and west. We would yell "WOW! Did you see that one??" We even contemplated sleeping out there under the night sky, falling asleep while watching God's glorious work of art.... It sounded so dreamy and it was quite tempting! It seemed as if we were so close to God. He was right there showing us his creation. And we did a lot of marveling! How anyone can argue that it happened by chance without an Intelligent designer is crazy! Anyways, we finally decided to go back inside to our warm, dry, comfy air mattresses in the living room. If we had been in the country....I would have slept outside. I actually was planning on doing that tonight, but a thunderstorm has come up so the ground is wet and the sky is cloudy. Oh well. I'll never forget last night..... 


  1. What a lovely night. The boys went outside and caught a couple, but I think it might be too bright around here.

    Sounds like you had a really fun evening.

  2. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies tell of His handiwork.
